22 October 2023 | 12:36pm
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BFTI held stakeholders’ consultations meeting to formulate trade roadmap

BFTI held stakeholders’ consultations meeting to formulate trade roadmap
10 November 2023

In this context, this study on ‘Identification of Trade-related Graduation Challenges and Preparation of Sector-Specific Trade Roadmaps for Overcoming the Challenges’ was conducted by Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute (BFTI). The said study was initiated by the WTO Wing, Ministry of Commerce, under ‘Diagnostic Trade Integration Study Update (DTISU) of Bangladesh: Trade Roadmap for Sustainable Graduation (TRSG)’ Project, funded by the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF).

The 1st stakeholder consultation meeting was held at the BFTI office on 03 November 2022.  The consultation explored four sectors including RMG, Shipbuilding, Agro Products and Processed Food and Fisheries and Livestock sectors. Mr. Tapan Kanti Ghosh, Senior Secretary, Ministry of Commerce attended the consultation as the Chief Guest. Dr. Md. Jafar Uddin presided over the session and Mr. Md. Obaidul Azam, Director, BFTI delivered the welcome remarks. Mr. A. H. M. Ahsan, Vice Chairman, Export Promotion Bureau, Mr. Md. Hafizur Rahman Director General (Additional Secretary) WTO Wing, Ministry of Commerce, Mr. Md. Saiful Islam, President, Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) also delivered their insightful remarks on the topic as the Special Guests of the program.

BFTI arranged 2nd stakeholder consultation at the BFTI office on 08 November 2022. Discussions on four sectors, including Light Engineering, Plastic Products, Leather and Leather Products and Non-Leather Footwear were held in the consultation. Mr. Tapan Kanti Ghosh, Senior Secretary, Ministry of Commerce attended the consultation as the Chief Guest while Dr. Md. Jafar Uddin presided over the session and Mr. Md. Obaidul Azam, Director, BFTI delivered the welcome remarks. Mr. Md. Hafizur Rahman Director General (Additional Secretary) WTO Wing, Ministry of Commerce also delivered his perceptive thoughts remarks on the topic as the Special Guests of the program.

The 3rd stakeholder consultation was held at the BFTI premise on 10 November 2022 for identifying sector-specific challenges of LDC graduation. The consultation included Pharmaceuticals and API sector and three service sectors such as Tourism, Software and IT and Nursing and Midwifery services. Presided over by the Chief Executive Officer of BFTI, Dr. Md. Jafar Uddin, Bangladesh Trade and Tariff Commission Chairman Ms. Mahfuza Akhter attended the meeting as the Chief Guest. In this program, Mr. Md. Obaidul Azam, Director, BFTI delivered the welcome remarks.  

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