22 October 2023 | 12:36pm
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BFTI got awarded a project under COMCEC funding on strengthening cross-border e-commerce

30 March 2024 News
BFTI got awarded a project under COMCEC funding on strengthening cross-border e-commerce

Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute (BFTI) under Ministry of Commerce (MoC) got awarded a project on ‘Strengthening Cross-Border E-Commerce Sector in Bangladesh through Enhancing Capacity of SMEs and Professionals’. The project is funded by the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The project has been awarded in response to the 11th call for project proposal under the COMCEC Project Funding. The objective of the project is to expand the international trade of Bangladesh by creating an enabling environment and integrating SMEs into global value chain through vibrant cross-border e-commerce.   

This project will enable the policy ecosystem for facilitating the cross-border e-commerce and improve the capacity of the officials of public and private sector who are engaged in the cross-border e-commerce sector. The project will include a study visit and a training program. Malaysia, the partner country, will host the study visit.  The study visit would be conducted before the training in order to acquire relevant knowledge and experience and then integrate the knowledge in the training module and thereby disseminate the same with the trainees during the training program. 

It is noteworthy to highlight that BFTI successfully implemented another project on ‘Developing Export Competitiveness of Potential Halal Products of Bangladesh’ under the COMCEC Project Funding in the year 2023.

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