22 October 2023 | 12:36pm
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Policy Advocacy


Conducted For:Ministry of Commerce

Brief on Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and its impact on Bangladesh

calendar 10 September 2015

Conducted For:Ministry of Commerce

LDC submission on Preferential Rules of Origin in the upcoming WTO Forum

calendar 25 August 2015

Conducted For:Ministry of Commerce

Commonwealth Enterprise & Investment Council (CWEIC)

calendar 3 August 2015

Conducted For:Ministry of Commerce

Bangladesh – Mauritius FTA

calendar 30 July 2015

Conducted For:Ministry of Commerce

20th meeting of the BIMSTEC Trade Negotiation Committee (TNC)

calendar 17 July 2015

Conducted For:

Draft Seventh-Five Year Plan

calendar 1 July 2015

Conducted For:Ministry of Commerce

Trade Data Analysis of Turkey Information

calendar 30 June 2015